
Monday, 8 January 2018

Activity 2: Making a Fashion Statement

Activity 2: Making a Fashion Statement
In the years following World War II, things slowly returned to normal in New Zealand. Soldiers returned home and settled back into regular life; and national sporting teams, like the New Zealand cricket team, got back together and started playing matches again. In the late 1940s, men and women would go to watch these events, men wearing hats and suits and women wearing dresses, hats, and gloves.

Compare the pictures of common clothing from the late 1940s to what you wear now (i.e. in 2017). Are they similar or are they quite different?

On your blog tell us which of the two styles you prefer and why. The pictures above were taken over 65 years ago! What do you think people will be wearing 65 years from now?
I think I would choose clothes from 2017. I would choose clothes from my generation because I feel comfortable wearing it. Another reason is because the clothes from the photos above are boring and have no taste in it. This is just my opinion. Im sorry if it offended anyone. I think that from 65 years from now people will be wearing ripped jeans/shorts/shirt, short lace dresses.

1 comment:

  1. Hey again Annalisa,

    Thanks for completing this activity and for comparing fashion from the late 1940s to modern day fashion. "I'm sorry if it offended anyone" made me have a bit of a giggle, so thank you! You certainly don't need to apologise for having an opinion :)
    To be fair on the fashion from the 1940s, cameras didn't have colour so the pictures don't really do the fashion of the 1940s any justice!
    Thanks for telling us what you think people will be wearing 65 years from now... it sounds pretty common to what people wore a few years ago. I guess that fashion does have a habit of relapsing, so you're probably right!

    What colours do you enjoy wearing? I love pastel colours; mustard has to be my favourite.

    Keep up the great mahi!




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